Peer Connections
Peer Connections
Enhancing Skills for Life, aims to provide support to individuals living without both arms so they have opportunities to connect, share tips and tricks and build lasting and supportive friendships within the limb loss/limb difference community.
Do you want to connect with others living without both arms or all four limbs?
We offer peer support in various forms. It might be an introduction by email ot text, a connection with an individual or group via zoom, or it could be an email with links to helpful resources. Maybe you are new to this community and don't know where to start? Or maybe you have been around awhile, but would like to more independent with certain self-care tasks like dressing, bathing, toileting or eating. Maybe you want to connect with other parents of limb different children?
You can start your request by CLICKING HERE to fill out this form to begin the process of being connected with someone in the Skills for Life community.